Disha Edward
Author Profile
"Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good"
... is the Quote that impressed me
Baroness Orczy
is the Author that inspires me
Reading Books, Music, travel, gardening
... summarizes my passion in life
I am excited to be with RIM where I am given a good time to unveil and explore my delight and put it into proficiency. I am having a lovely time, researching and learning new things.
... that's Me @ Recycleinme
As a kid I watched the skies with awe! Always enjoyed the nature. May be that's because the place of my origin is one charming beauty of the south, I am from Kanyakumari but was raised in the ' Rock City'. The schooling part was the best part in my life or I must say that it was the only part that helped me gain knowledge, helped me grow! I had very few good companions and we just rocked! We had lots and loads of memories to cherish, because we were always outstanding (You know what I meant) . I chose to do my graduation in engineering where I learned the power of unity! June 12, 2013 was the long awaited special day in my life to tie the knot with the extra special man of my life. He's my greatest supporter and backbone. For me life is the mixture of exact opposite twin of emotions, pain and joy, laugh and tears, success and failure, trusts and mistrusts but, there's always a solution, always a way out. Wherever life pulls me every day I like to take in new things each day. As for me: Travel, coffee and music can chill things out! Why worry “GOD IS IN CONTROL”.
... that's Me, Myself & I - Aloud !