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The Future of Plastic Scrap Industry

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by - 8/22/2011 23209 Views

The United States on the verge of a good outlook in the futurity


Tuesday, August 23, 2011 (9:37:06 AM) A few years ago, the main plastic scrap market place wasChina. The scraps were brought at low prices in the US, exported to China andsold there. But, in the recent times it’s observed that US has started tocreate its own scrap market place. “In the coming 5 years, the United Stateswill see a ‘manufacturing renaissance’ where consumers will find more productsmade in the USA. The United States will become one of the cheapest locationsfor manufacturing in developed countries.” Says one of the experts afteranalyzing the recent plastic scrap industry.

The consequence of this is expected to be good since therewill be a cut in costs for exports and transportation since US itself makes wayto market the scraps. China has also started to make all the export formulationsand regulations to be stricter day-by-day. As a whole, the US market hasstarted getting flourished in the plastic scrap industry which is a good signof prosperity for the country since plastic scraps pose a very good demand andrequirement in the universal scrap market.


Category : Plastic

Tags : Plastic Scrap,

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About Jenisha

I am the Business Development Manager of RECYCLEINME.com which is a universal scrap portal since 2002. I deal with all the inquiries made at RIM and support our clients as much as I can to improve their scrap business. And am seriously engaged in the work of analyzing the current scrap ma .... more info


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