High prices due to the ship breaking process
Thursday, September 15, 2011 (11:41:22 AM) : Latest reports from Turkish ship breakers state that therehas been a steady increase in prices from July onwards because of the importedscraps into the country. It has been noted that Turkishbreakers have broken 245 ships for a total of 410,000 MT. so far thisyear. The prices of melting scrap from ship breaking are now quoted between $465-475/MT, which is almost$5.00-$6.00/MT higher than the July prices. There is only one ship breakingyard in Turkey in the western town of Aliaga in Izmir. It supplies scrap tosteel mills in the region, such as Cebitas, Ozkanlar Demir Celik, Izmir DemirCelik, Ege Celik and Habas. So, this ship breaking process through which muchamount of steel scrap can be taken, has made the scrap prices in Turkey to gohigh and hit the peak.